Traveling this holiday? Make sure you cover up buttercup! Try our masks on your next flight to help ward off those nasty germs in flight! We've helped thousands of travelers stay healthy on their vacations so you don't have to spend it in bed! 🤒 

We are offering the most discount we've ever offered because well...since the Pandemic, everyone started making masks, and it flooded the market. We believe we are still the best in the mask biz because of all these amazing qualities our masks have! Check them out! USE CODE: BLACKFRIDAY60 for 60% off whatever mask is available on our site! So stock up y'all. 


✔️ Antimicrobial

✔️ Eco friendly


✔️ Wicking

✔️ Lightweight

✔️ Breathable

✔️ UPF 50 Sun Protection

✔️ Anti-pilling

✔️ Reduce Stress and Anxiety

✔️ Inhibits the growth of odor causing bacteria

✔️ US Patented

✔️ Say goodbye to mask acne

✔️ Fast drying

✔️ Stylish

✔️ Comfortable

✔️ Adjustable sleek ear straps

✔️ Locally woman owned and operated

✔️ Made in Honolulu, Hawaii and Los Angeles, California

Being packed like sardines on a plane is nothing but natural. Ease your nerves and protect yourself by wearing The Barrier Method, the #1 travel mask on your next flight. Arrive sick no more.

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