Traveler News

Reduce your risk of getting sick on your next vacation with these travel tips!

Reduce your risk of getting sick on your next vacation with these travel tips!

Here are several ways to help prevent getting sick while traveling on the plane! Also The Barrier Method is offering 40% right now for your s...


Traveling this holiday? Make sure you cover up buttercup! Try our masks on your next flight to help ward off those nasty germs in flight! We've helped thousands of travelers stay healthy on their vacations so you don't have to spend it in bed! 🤒
😷 Philly to be first city to reinstate the mask mandate

😷 Philly to be first city to reinstate the mask mandate

source: Morning Brew 
The Barrier Method before the Pandemic | KHON2 | Living 808 TV

The Barrier Method before the Pandemic | KHON2 | Living 808 TV

The Barrier Method has been producing comfortable and fashionable masks before the pandemic. We spoke with Founder and CEO Danielle Travis on what makes her mask designs unique.
Masks are required to fly

Masks are required to fly

Masks are now required to fly and we are so happy about this. Below you will see the mask wearing policy by Alaska Airlines. 

Mask Madness! The Barrier Method on Living 808 TV!

Mask Madness! The Barrier Method on Living 808 TV!

The Barrier Method on Living 808! Again! Spreading Health awareness and new designs

The Barrier Method on Living 808! Again! Spreading Health awareness and new designs

Danielle Travis, Founder and CEO appears on Living 808 Tv to speak about her company The Barrier Method, how she came up with the business idea, new designs and news for the future!
TBM Featured in the TravelGoods Digital Showcase!

TBM Featured in the TravelGoods Digital Showcase!

Future Travel Gear, Today For full article click below! Article written by:  Sara Ecclesine
Hawaii Mom Blog! Just the Masks - New Mask Style from The Barrier Method + 15% off Your Order

Hawaii Mom Blog! Just the Masks - New Mask Style from The Barrier Method + 15% off Your Order

Check out the new blog post and review from Hawaii Mom Blog, enjoy!  Just the Masks - New Mask Style from The Barrier Method + 15% off Your Order...
American Airlines 1st airline to introduce SurfaceWise®️2 to sterilize their Fleet

American Airlines 1st airline to introduce SurfaceWise®️2 to sterilize their Fleet

Too afraid to fly? Well, this may calm your nerves to know that American Airlines is taking these breakthrough preventative measures to keep you as...


When the coronavirus hit, former Maui businesswoman Danielle Travis was already ready. Launched in 2016, Travis’ startup travel health company, Th...
Samuel L. Jackson Says "Stay the F**K at Home"

Samuel L. Jackson Says "Stay the F**K at Home"

 Just listen to Samuel L. Jackson

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