1. How do I wear the mask? 

The mask is sewn to the scarf across the top and at two places on the bottom so it doesn't flip up. The grey mask lies against your face, and the scarf faces out. 

2. How do I wash the mask? 

Hand wash cold or gentle cycle and light detergent. Hang to dry. 

3. Where and when do I wear it? 

  • Literally anywhere. Planes are the most popular when you're surrounded by an unnatural amount of people especially when they are coughing and sneezing around you. 
  • If you are sick it's a good idea to wear a mask to be courteous to those around you. They will thank you, and you won't feel bad if you are coughing and sneezing yourself. 
  • Walking around in cold climates. The ear straps keep it on your face so it keeps your neck, nose, mouth and throat warm. 
  • On a hike. 
  • Sleeping in dry climates. 
  • Outside during allergy season. 
  • Around horses. 
  • On a boat (UPF 50) 

4. I'm worried about what people will think of me, will people look at me funny? 

  • We will tell you this, they're not going to look at you like if you wore one of those white medical masks. 
  • We want you to feel confident with our stylish and comfortable design. But also you shouldn't care what people think. You are taking preventative measures to protect your health and that's most important. They'll end up being jealous of you. 

5. The ear straps are too small, or too big....do they adjust? 

YES. We also offer Ear Strap Comfort  Wrap if you're extra sensitive. 


6. The fabric is made out of crab shells and I am super allergic to shellfish..will that affect me when wearing the mask?! 

    • NO :)
    • Rather than use a fabric with chemicals to achieve wicking and antibacterial properties, we use a 100% natural treatment called ChitoSante, which is the only antibacterial bio-agent in the world certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. ChitoSanté is made from chitosan, a naturally-occurring fiber found in crab and shrimp shells. The makers of Chitosanté extract chitosan from these shells to create a substance that provides durable antibacterial and wicking properties to fabric. This ensures our fabrics remain hygienic and odor-resistant without requiring chemical treatment, and it also finds a new use for crustacean shells that would otherwise be thrown away as waste. Note: ChitoSanté is entirely safe for people with shellfish allergies because it is non-protein based. 6. The fabric is made out of crab shells and I am super allergic to shellfish..will that affect me when wearing the mask?! 6. The fabric is made out of crab shells and I am super allergic to shellfish..will that affect me when wearing the mask?! 


6. When it says Pre-Order, does that mean my credit card (or other payment source) will be charged before it ships? 

Yes, in order to reserve your place in line, and we guarantee delivery but with COVDI19, we are experiencing delays. Shipments coming almost daily, and will be processed in the order they were received. Thank you for your patience during this time. 



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