Hawaii Mom Blog! Just the Masks - New Mask Style from The Barrier Method + 15% off Your Order

Check out the new blog post and review from Hawaii Mom Blog, enjoy! 

Just the Masks - New Mask Style from The Barrier Method + 15% off Your Order

 Disclosure: Complimentary product was received for review purposes.  All opinions are honest and entirely my own.


The Barrier Method’s new mask style “Just the Mask” is the answer to my prayers for the perfect mask. I was already a huge fan of the company’s winged scarf style masks (my must have when I travel by air), but having a scarf around my neck got a little hot in this Hawaii summer weather.  


The mask comes in two styles: with traditional ear straps or headband and tie.  The headband and tie style is the perfect solution for me as I cannot lose it. No more masks hanging from one ear!  Now, I simply pull it down and the mask hangs from my neck.  I found this super useful when I run around the neighborhood and need a breath of fresh air.  



I also tried the mask on my 9 year old son and because the straps are adjustable, it fits him well too. I worry that during school he may lose his mask, but this style ensures he doesn’t.  The mask is super comfortable and made of two layers of anti-microbial fabric that is wicking, breathable, has a silky feel, and offers UPF 50 sun protection. The mask has a pocket for a filter and most importantly, it has a nose wire to create a better seal. 




Thank you to The Barrier Method for generously offering 15% off with code Nadia15 for our Hawaii Mom Blog readers! 




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