The Barrier Method before the Pandemic | KHON2 | Living 808 TV

The Barrier Method before the Pandemic

Danielle Travis, Founder and CEO talks about her business she founded 5 years ago on Living 808 TV! 

Air date: 9/8/2021

Check out the entire article here:


The Barrier Method has been producing comfortable and fashionable masks before the pandemic. We spoke with Founder and CEO Danielle Travis on what makes her mask designs unique.

“I founded The Barrier Method in 2016 actually. I used to get sick while traveling to California to play in women’s polo tournaments. This is what we used the masks primarily since airplanes well used to be very dirty. THE MASK MANDATES are back and I actually couldn’t be happier. We all have wear masks on the plane, train, bus or any other mode of transportation which is a dream come true because I have definitely  become a germaphobe. I can’t believe I used to sleep on the tray table. Now that everyone flying has to wear a mask, I truly believe people will stay healthier. If I was constantly getting sick after flying and after wearing our masks I stopped getting sick…just imagine if everyone wore The Barrier Method. Flying and bring crammed on a plane is unnatural, we have to protect ourselves but of course in the most stylish and most comfortable way possible.”

The masks are state of the art and you’ll breathe easier.

“We use high performance eco friendly anti-bacterial polyester called Chitosante which is made from recycled crab shells off the coast of Alaska. In our “Just the masks” we now use along with Chitosante….a combo of COOLMAX, AND SILVADUR which uses silver technology to inhibit the growth of odor causing bacteria to keep your mask fresh on your face. Our fabrics are also incredibly soft against your face. You won’t want to wear any other mask I’m telling you. Very easy to wash and dries very quickly. It also is wicking, anti-wrinkle, and offers UPF 50 sun protection. The amazing thing about this fabric is that it works to inhibit the growth of odor causing bacteria so it will always stay smelling fresh against your face. We also have a US DESIGN PATENT for our two part mask system. We made all of our masks in here in Honolulu and in Los Angeles California. That was really important to me to keep them made in the US and support local. It’s nice to be close to production so we can do the best quality control possible.”


For your 20% discount use the code LIVING808MASKS and visit And you can follow on social media @thebarriermethod

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