In wake of the devastating fires that have hit southern california we are offering 40% off your order of 2 or more masks Use code: WELOVELA40 ❤️

The Barrier Method loved by International Opera Singers!

Opera Singer, Catriona Morrison has fallen in love with The Barrier Method has been spreading the mask love(not germs) to her fellow singers. Learn more about Catriona here:


She says " Honestly your scarf is much better than the humidiflier. It's bulky and uncomfortable to wear with glasses. Switch back to the mask!" Catriona Morrison. 


When singing is your career and livelihood they can't afford to lose their voice or get sick. It isn't an option. Wearing The Barrier Method, keeps your throat and nose from drying out. Also keeps you cozy and relaxed so you have less to worry about on those long haul flights. 


Our goal at The Barrier Method, is to provide you protection, a preventive measure to keep you healthy. But also when you are calm and less stressed is when your immune system will stay stronger. We all know what stress does to the mind and body. We want to keep your mind at ease which will then keep your body healthy. 

Join the mask movement like Cat!! 




Founder and CEO 

The Barrier Method, A Travel Health Company





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