The Barrier Method on Living 808! Again! Spreading Health awareness and new designs

Get Living808 Discount on The Barrier Method’s Fashionable & Functional Face Masks

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What we talked about!

We are a local Honolulu mask company that has been here pre-COVID since 2016. Being the only mask company around… to now being the most popular item to purchase right now is crazy, now competing with other mask companies, but still being unique and helping people stay healthy, happy and confident is our main goal which sets us apart from everyone else.

Having competition is a good thing though bc once people use those “other” masks and how uncomfortable they are, we are seeing those people coming to us bc they want something more comfortable they can wear for extended periods of time while looking good. **Using the best anti-microbial fabrics, and designs and colors that people love. Primarily our masks were made for traveling bc airplanes are not a natural environment and we know how dirty they are.

**Right now airplanes are actually cleaner than ever, and we all have to wear masks on board which is a dream for us at the Barrier Method. Healthier travels has always been our goal, but now everyone has to wear masks outside, in grocery stores so we created a new product for more everyday wear which is our “JUST THE MASK” which is a more simple design. We offer it with ear straps and a headband and tie option to wear it around our necks when not in use. They have an inner pocket for a filter which we also offer. Another avenue we are entering is custom masks for business to business. With a minimum order of 10 we can print your custom logo.

  1. Q: Since the pandemic started, a lot of businesses started to make masks, but you were ahead of your time, when did you start your business and how you come up with this idea?

A: I founded The Barrier Method in 2016 actually. I used to get sick while traveling to California to play in women’s polo tournaments. This is what we used the masks primarily since airplanes well used to be very dirty. Now they clean them pretty thoroughly and people have to wear masks on the plane which is amazing, and how I believe it should be all the time.


  1. Q: What makes your masks unique? And where are they made?

A: We use high performance eco friendly anti-bacterial polyester that is very soft against your face. Very easy to wash and dries very quickly. It also is wicking, anti-wrinkle, and offers UPF 50 sun protection. The amazing thing about this fabric is that it works to inhibit the growth of odor causing bacteria so it will always stay smelling fresh against your face. We also have a US design patent for our two part mask system. We made all of our masks in here in Honolulu and in Los Angeles California. That was really important to me to keep them made in the US and support local. It’s nice to be close to production so we can do the best quality control possible.


Our customers find that you can breathe easier in these but also they provide the protection you need. Malika Dudley who is a big fan of ours actually did a candle test, and her son did and he couldn’t blow out his birthday candles. So we know we are doing well when those droplets can’t pass through.



  1. Q: What different styles do you have? You definitely focus on looking good and something to suit each individuals needs.

A: Yes that was the main component when designing these masks. Especially when we first started out, masks weren’t a thing. So we have our Winged Mask which is our Scarf, our Neckie which is our Gator design for both men and women. And our newest and very popular design is our “Just the Mask” It comes with ear straps or our headband + tie option which is great bc you can wear it around your neck when not in use. Very easy on and off. Our ear straps are adjustable as well. They all are two layers and has a pocket for a filter, which we also offer as well.


  1. Q: Do you offer custom logos as an option for businesses?

A:  Yes, we are starting to do this, and our business customers are loving this option. We will print your logos on them. Great for sports teams, hotel employees, law firms, corporate gifts, you name it we can do it for you.

  1. Q: How can our viewers purchase your masks?

A: So they can visit and we are offering 20% off our Winged Masks and Neckies and they can use the code: HEALTHYLIVING808.

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