Haiku Hibiscus Neckie by @Angelinahills
Haiku Hibiscus Neckie by @Angelinahills
Haiku Hibiscus Neckie by @Angelinahills

Haiku Hibiscus Neckie by @Angelinahills

The Barrier Method
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Walk around town, run errands, board the plane in style wearing this BRAND NEW 🌺 Hawaiian Hibiscus Neckie 🌺 designed by @AngelinaHills on Maui to protect yourself from getting sick. It pulls over your head. If you like less fabric this one is for you. Resembles a snow or ski mask, but this one doesn't fall down. STAYS UP OVER YOUR FACE w/ ear straps. It also has a US Patented DUAL LAYER design which is also cool!

Providing comfort, protection, and peace of mind to your travel experience. Wearing it should ease your mind and put you in a state of relaxation so you can feel rested when you arrive at your destination.

Say goodbye to discomfort and those nasty looks(which is also uncomfortable)

You don't need to hide in your T-shirt or tray table anymore. The adjustable ear straps keep it on your face so you don't have to worry about it falling down. When the AC is blasting it keeps your throat and neck warm and comfy.


Antibacterial, light weight, wicking, UPF 50 sun protection, breathable, non-pilling, wrinkle-resistant, & inhibits growth of odor causing bacteria.

Made of 100% Eco Polyester. The fabric is uber soft.

SIZE: Original size fits most

These Neckie Masks are designed in Hawaii and handmade with Aloha in Honolulu, Hi 🌺

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